NYC Public School Class Takes an Extented Cyber-Trip to
This blog was arranged to display the most recent topic posed to students (Is This the End?) first. Therefore, all of the issues we discussed and wrote about are organized here in reverse-chronological order. If you wish to see/read where we began, click on the April icon on the left side of this page. There, you may review our initial theme, Adopt a Work of Art, where we began our trip to Whitneyland.
Is This The End?
Now that we've traveled through the Whitney Museum of American Art's online collection for a few weeks, researched artists and their art, thought about where to hang your Adopted-Work-of-Art up in your home and so on, what are your impressions? How and why do artists express themselves by creating visual art objects? Why do you think they have a need to communicate to the world what their thoughts and feelings are? Do you? What's up with that? And...
What have you learned along the way? Tell the world. Right here.
A Whitney collection fave, John Schabel's Untitled (Passenger #3), was shot and printed during 1994-1995.
Artists express themselves this way because their emotions are strong. So strong they can not express themselves in words. They must use art to express themselves. To do this, they use colors and the actions in a painting to paint their emotion. In short, their paintings are visual emotions.
Artists express themselves by many colors and shapes. They do this because of many reasons. One of the reasons is that artists need money. Other reasons are for fun, or show an event, or show feelings.
Hello everyone,
I would just like to say a BIG thank you for all of your wonderful work on this blog. I've really enjoyed reading your comments, from "adopt a work of art" to "acrostic poetry" to "is this the end?" It was great to visit your classroom too. I can't wait to some of the collections that you've created! Please email them to me when you've finished so we can post them on the website. i won't be able to join you for your pizza party, but i do hope you've had as much fun with this project as I've had! Best wishes, Dina
Artist expresses themselves this way because their felling are very strong sometimes they can not say it to strong.
When artists make a painting they express their feeling. They shadow their emotion mad, happy, and sad on the drawing. Even though they don’t want to show their feeling they could show it by the colors they use. When artists use dark colors it might mean that they are sad or mad.
Artists show their feelings by making art. They use colors to express their mood. Also they can make the characters or objects in a work of art, a certain way in order to express their mood. My adopted work of art, Soft Toilet, makes me feel happy. The shiny part of the toilet reflects my mood. So, if I were mad, I would know that I am and I'll try getting my self happy.
Artist shows.....painting,drawing,an in order to share what is on there mind.Likw when Jackson Pollock made his paintings,he used drips of paint.When he does this,he made it look like a whole new form of art.When an artist creates a work of art he uses his imagination.
An artist expresses him or herself by using many different techniques. It doesn't always have to be about color. That's why they can use brush strokes, pastels, charcoal, and sculpting. Artists do this because it's their way of art. It doesn't always have to be on how the artist feels, artist can make a painting that make people who look at it happy or sad. That's how feelings are expressed through art.
An artist uses different colors to express their feelings. If you are mad you can put black or other dark colors. If you’re feeling good then you can use the color yellow or something bright to show happiness. That’s how artists use colors to express themselves.
Artists feel many things in their lives. They use certain colors and shades to show their emotions. They might use bright colors to show happiness and they might use dark ones to show sadness or anger. Each artist has their own way to express their feelings. For example if they paint a picture of a burned down city then you know it’s a sad moment which might indicate that the artist is sad. Another example is that if an artist paints a picture of fire works then you know that it is an exiting moment or a happy moment.
It was really fun doing this instead of copying notes all day. The best part is we helped test a new website. Artists express themselves through their art making because this is how the artists show there ideas and emotions. By using colors and drawing paterns or styles.
The reason artists makes art way because the artist might not know how to express their emotions in other ways. They want draw or paint or make collages of their thoughts and feelings.
Artists do this because this is what they love to do and you can't stop them from doing what they love.
I learned that art work isn't just a sketch that you then paint or a piece of paper with diffrent pictures on it. It is a way how artists express their emotions using different ideas and how they use their feelings to make amazing pieces of art work.
I believe that artists express themselves by doing artwork that represents their moods. Sometimes, if an artist is in a sad mood, they will create artwork using dark colors. If they're in a good mood, they might create artwork in light colors. I think artists like painting their moods, because if they're mad at someone they can just paint instead of physically hurting that person.
The painting, Music-Pink and Blue II, was done by Georgia O'Keeffe. This painting expresses how O’Keeffe felt about music. The painting was done in beautiful colors, which might mean that how good she felt when she was listening to music.
Women and Dog 1964, Marisol
An artist expresses their feelings by making artwork. Visual artists create artwork, while some people like to write down their feelings. Others express their emotions by dancing or singing. When artists draw, they use different colors to express different feelings or moods. Some artists also make artwork for a living; others do it for fun, like a hobby.
Artists also use different shapes. In the artwork I adopted, Women and Dog, I think Marisol used different shapes to express different feelings. In the work, the people are dressed in calm colors, but when you look at their facial expressions, you get a whole different feeling. In the piece some of the people even have more than one facial expression.
Through this whole experience, I realized that there is much more to see in art then just how pretty it is. There are stories behind the paintings. The artists take days, months, or even years to finish their work, but enjoy doing it. An artist always has a reason to create what they are painting. They express their feelings by color, how thick they apply the paint, and also specific images.
For example, in Brooklyn Bridge, Stella painted many lights, the train passing, and cars. This shows that he is excited to see this view. I think artists express themselves this way because they love to make art, and it is easier than talking to someone about it.
Artists often express the mood of their subject by drawing, painting, and sculpting. A reason for making art is to show their emotions in a way other than running down the street like a maniac. In a drawing or painting, artists may use tints and shades to show happiness or sadness. They might use dark red colors when they are angry. They might use pink when they are happy.
Artists need these ways to communicate to the world. They show how they at sometime, somewhere, or someplace feel. For example, a painting called Guernica was created by Picasso while he was away from Spain during its civil war. He saw an article about the attack on Guernica in a French newspaper. Later, he made a painting about it without using color that is just black, white, and shades of grey. When you see it, you just feel gloomy. That tells you that he felt sad, and angry.
I also put my feelings to my drawings. I draw rain in a scene when I am sad, and I can create a sunny day when I am happy. I have learned that there are many reasons for a work of art from this whole experience.
Artists express themselves by painting what they feel and what they are thinking. Artists sometimes use shapes and patterns to describe how they feel when they are painting something. For example black, and white tiles can represent confusion. Also, a set of colors can express an artist’s feeling and their emotions. Blue may represent sadness, gloom, or, depression. In the painting that I adopted, the artist uses dark colors. I think that the artist painted it using dark colors because Ms. Whitney is relaxed and tired. I think that Ms. Whitney asked him to paint her using dark colors. This is what I think an artist does to express feelings in their work of art.
Artists express their feelings by creating artworks. Their work show their feelings and emotions depending on their choices. Sometimes artists even use shapes to express feelings. For example, in my adopted artwork, Max Weber used faded faces to stand for customers and waiters around the restaurant. The color choices usually show the mood for the topic of the painting.
Artists express their feelings by creating artwork to show the whole world how they feel. Sometimes, they use colors to show their feelings and emotions. I learned about new types of artwork on the Whitney museum website.
The event in the image can show the artist's feelings too. Some artwork is very confusing because the title doesn't seem to match the artwork itself. Some paintings are kind of plain looking like Atlantic by Ellsworth Kelly if you have a chance to look at it in the Whitney website, you'll see what I mean.
An artist expresses themselves by drawing because that is their way of showing feelings and expressing themselves. They probably draw what and how they feel for each work of art they make. In The Artist and his Mother there are no bright colors, and it looks sad. So the artist was probably upset that his mother died, and decided to draw a painting of him and his mother.
When an artist expresses their feelings, they show it in many different ways. One way they express it is in the colors of their paintings. If there is a color like blue, it might mean sadness, if it's red, it could mean anger or love. I learned about many different pieces of art work on this site and the artists who created them.
My adopted work of art, Number 27, has a few interesting colors in it. The reason why I think they are interesting is because I never seen a painting like this with a bright color like pink, mixed with dark colors like black and gray. Even though there are only six colors, Jackson Pollock made it in a unique way that no other artist had before.
I believe artists express themselves in a certain ways because most artists went through or experienced something, or just the simple fact that they just like making sculptures and paintings. I think the reason why they want to tell the whole world about these experieences is because they want them to feel or witness the way that artist felt.
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