why was your Adopted Work of Art created? What is the story behind it (and/or the artist who made it)?
Visit Whitney's LISTEN gallery and click on your artwork. To the right side of your image, beneath the name of the art work, you’ll find links entitled EXPLORE, ART, ARTIST, CONTEXT, and MORE STUFF. Click on art, artist, and context and read about your work of art and the artist that created it. Summarize (using your own words), in a paragraph or two, some answers to the above questions about the work and the person behind its creation. Post your response here.
The above photograph was shot in Coney Island, in 1940. It was photographed by photographer Arthur Fellig, better known as Weegee. Entitled Sardines, it can found in Whitney's Gallery collection.
Here, There, Everywhere, 1989
This painting is made by Lawrence Weiner. This painting is made out of vinyl sticker (the lettering).
Many people say it is a declaration where you can see a picture. I say it is like an advertisement .Every since this painting, he has done more work like this and it is gonna meant the relationship between people and their surroundings.
Mike Kelly was a creative artist. He used different kinds of dolls and different stuff on his painting. He didn't really use paint or paper. He use a rug as a paper and dolls and other stuff as paint.
Jackson Pollock made my adopted work of art. His style of art is using a big can of paint, and a stick and splattering paint everywhere on a huge oil canvas. Number 27 was one of those examples, and I am guessing it was the 27th painting he made with this style.
Alison Saar made skin/deep with copper and other recyclable objects. She likes to use it to show that trash is still art.
Soft Toilet, at Oldenburg’s time pop art was popular. Soft Toilet is made out plastic that can be cut just like fabric. It is very shiny nearly as it was real. Silky fiber is stuffed in it just like mattress and sleeping bags. Also it has a metal in it which supports the limp and floppy.
My work of art was created by the artist Ellsworth Kelly. This art work began while Kelly was on a bus. While reading, he passed by a telephone pole and the shadow reflected on his book that he was reading. He immediately drew a quick sketch of what he saw. Two years later he finally painted his sketch and came up with the name Atlantic.
My work of art, 1963. Alex watches early television. That is were he gets his ideas. And he gets his creativity, too.
Georgia O' Keeffe was inspired by what she saw in nature. No matter what kind of painting she was about to do, she would study her subject very closely. Her painting, Music-Pink and Blue II, describes her love for music. When O'Keeffe would do a painting, she would make her subject larger-than-life so the viewers that look at her paintings would also be able see the subject up close as well.
Jasper Johns was a simple artist. His works were of cultural icons. Or how he puts it, things the mind already knows. To paint this work, he stacked three flags of different sizes on canvas and stacked them. He then drew from overhead.
My work of art was created because the artist that made this sculpture liked 3-dimensional objects. He also liked painting. He came from a artistic family, his mother was a painter and his grandfather and father was sculptors. Alexander Calder started to do abstract art. Then he started to sculpture items and one of those items became Object with Red Discs. That’s how my work of art was made.
My work of art, Early Sunday Morning, was painted because Edward Hopper liked painting buildings, streets and places.
Women and Dog,1964, Marisol
The artwork I adopted, Women and Dog was made in 1964. In this creation, the artist makes herself as the third person, wearing a pink shirt and green skirt. This artwork was also made in wood. It shows many different faces, all with different facial expressions.
Joseph Stella came to New York in 1896. On his visit, he saw a lot of interesting things. The thing that really caught his eye was the Brooklyn Bridge. Stella noticed its pretty, bright lights, noisy traffic, and lovely views. He said that almost every night he stood on the bridge and enjoyed the sights. Also, he loved the feeling of when the train passed. He enjoyed the Brooklyn Bridge so much that he decided to paint it.
Robert Henri was a successful artist. Henri was best known for painting landscapes. He was hired to do a painting of Ms. Whitney (a wealthy woman). In this painting, he uses dark colors to paint it and I think he did this because of the light in the background when he was painting it. Her husband told her not to put it in the living room because he doesn’t like a woman wearing pants, so she put it in her art studio. Back then when Robert was asked to paint the painting, women were forbidden to wear pants in public places.
Joe Jones made American Farm in 1936, He was hired by an association called the Works Progress Administration, to record drought conditions on American farms, and so it is where he got his inspiration. He is a great artist and I would like to see more of his work.
What inspired Max Weber to make this artwork was a trip to a Chinese restaurant in Chinatown during 1915. Everything in his painting stood for something specific. If you look closely at the painting, you can see the outlines of faces, hands, and table legs.
My work of art was created because when she was a little girl she traveled through a factory at night the way she got her inspiration by her father because her father was an engineer
Jackson Pollock made my adopted work of art. His style of art is using a big can of paint, and a stick and splattering paint everywhere on a huge canvas. Number 27 was one of those examples, and I am guessing it was the 27th painting he made with this style.
Double Isometric Self-Potrait was created by Jim Dine in 1964. In 1963, Dine had painted a self portrait when he came across an advertisement for bathrobes. He used bathrobes to describe himself because he thinks that the structure of the bathrobes show his personalities. He says that the bathrobes are like a symbol to him.
Dine had developed a system of objects that form a symbolic language in 1964. Attached to the back of each robe's neck are two wood and chain pulleys that hang in front of the robes. It was used for an isometric exercise to strengthen his arm muscles. The funny thing is that Dine never wore a bathrobe or sees a bathrobe around him.
Thos painting called The Artist And His Mother took the painter, Arshile Gorky 10 years to make. He made this painting in honor of his mother who died before he and his sister moved to America. Arshile Gorky made this painting by looking at an old picture.
My adopted work of art Dempsey and Firpo was created in honor of a boxing fight.which was made in New York 1900 by George Bellows. There are some things about this painting. like that there are only men in the outside of the ring.At this time women also attended boxing fights regularly. George Bellows did not add them.
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