NYC Public School Class Takes an Extented Cyber-Trip to
This blog was arranged to display the most recent topic posed to students (Is This the End?) first. Therefore, all of the issues we discussed and wrote about are organized here in reverse-chronological order. If you wish to see/read where we began, click on the April icon on the left side of this page. There, you may review our initial theme, Adopt a Work of Art, where we began our trip to Whitneyland.
HOME is Where the Heart Is
If I had the good fortune of having an original Warhol [Ethel Scull, 36 Times] in my home, I'd have to catch my breath from the great news (then, I'd hang it up over my living room couch).
But even before I do that, I'd first have to seek out, appoint and hire a trustworthy 24-hour security team. You know, the painting's value is probably in the tens of millions so, who can I really trust?
Question (as suggested by Dina Helal): If you could take your Adopted-Work-of-Art home, where would you put it AND why?
This oil on canvas work (painting) is by Robert Bechtle, entitled 61 Pontiac, which was actually painted between 1968 and 1969. It is a work that also can be found in Whitney's online gallery of images.
Being that my work of art isn’t a painting, it's a sculpture. So I would put my work of art, which is Object with Red Discs, I would put it on my dresser. I would put it there because it makes my room look better, and whatever company I have over would ask me questions about it and I would tell them who the artist is that made this, why he made it and answer questions that my company wants to know about my sculpture.
If I could bring my adopted artwork home, I would place it in my living room. I'd chose to put there because I would want to let other people see it when they come to my house. I would hang it above the television so no one could easily destroy it. Of course, I would place the painting in a frame or something that can protect it. My dad spends most of his time in the living room, so I'm not worried about its safety. The painting is worth a lot of money so I'm sure my dad will protect it for me. It would be great having a painting by Jim Dine in my home.
If I could take my adopted work of art home, I would put it in the hallway.I would put it there because as my guest are walking to a bed room they would see this work of art. Maybe they would be amazed, then I probably would have more company.
If I were to take my adopted work of art home, I would put and put it on the floor and cover it up with glass over it.It would be engraved in the floor and it would be cool.
If I were to put The Artist and His Mother painting in my house, I would put it in my own room and lock the room with the key that no one else in my home has. This would be safe because only people who I let in my room could see it.
If I were to take my adopted work of art I would put it in my living room. The reason why I’d put it in my living room is because my family and friends would enjoy the creation. It’s because my little cousin plays in my room most of the time. So the drawing won’t get messed up. That is where I would put my adopted work of art.
If I were able to put my adopted work of art in my house, I would put it in my living room. The reason why I would put it on there is because the walls are white. It would match the paintings background. Another reason is my living room only has one picture on it's walls. Also, I would want everyone to look up at the wall and see that I have a nice painting on it. I would put it up there because my mom is usually in the living room and she can always look at the painting whenever she wanted to. Other people in my house can too.
If I can bring my adopted work of art Soft Toilet home I would put it in the living room so everyone can see a cool work of art that Oldenburg has done. Some people might think it’s funny that a toilet can also be art but I think it’s a cool work of art.
If I could bring my adopted work of art home, I would put it in my room above my door. The reason why I would hang it in my room is because I would like to see it everyday. Since my mom always comes into my room, I would want her to see the work of art that I chose to adopt. That's why I want it in my bedroom.
If I had a choice of putting my adopted work of art in my home, I would put it in my room. I would never tell anyone because some people might try to steal it. I would consider telling my best friends because, why would I call them my best friends if I could not trust them? The reason the art work would be in my room is because I could see it every day when I come into my room.
I would put it over our replica Declaration of Independence, because it is a patriotic piece of art. There would need to be titanium (platinum is too expensive) bars on the windows, and pressure sensors on the floor. There must also be a security force to guard the painting.
If I were able to put my art work anywhere in a house it would be in my house door.I would put my art work there because people can see my hard work on my door when they come to visit me or when you walk by .
If I could hang my adopted artwork in my house, I would place it in the hallway. I would put it there because the hallways are really peaceful. This painting represents peaceful music to the artist.
Another reason I would put it there is because whoever visits my house would be able to admire the beautiful, Music-Pink and Blue II painting. If anyone tries to steal this painting, hidden cameras would catch the burglar and the alarms in my room will go off. Before the criminal knows it, he or she would be in jail.
Women and Dog 1964, Marisol
If I could take my adopted artwork home, I would hang it up in my living room. One of the reasons is that the piece is a family picture, and the living room is like our ‘family’ room. The artwork also shows many different facial expressions. In the living room, there are also many different facial expressions, which are shown depending upon the people’s mood. I think the living room would be the best place to put an artwork such as Women and Dog.
Brooklyn Bridge
by Joseph Stella
If I could bring my artwork home, I would hang it in my living room. People usually don't go into my room. Guests stay in the living room. If I hang it up there, they will have a chance to look at this exciting painting by Joseph Stella.
If I could take my art home, I would hang it in my living room. The reason I chose the living room is so that my whole family can see it there. Also I have many pictures in the living room so it would go with them.
Now, if I were to hang it in the living room, it would be easy to steal, so I would have to place cameras all around it. Also, I would have to rearrange all my paintings and see what paintings are in the style of American Farm.
If I could take my adopted-work-of-art home, I would put it in my living room. I would put it there because the colors of the painting go with the colors of the living room. It has a unique Asian theme to it; its colors are red and gold. I would also let guests enjoy the artwork.
I would put my work of art in my room. I would put it on the ceiling of my room because, when I wake up, seeing it would make me feel like I wanted to sleep all day. My work of art would make me feel peaceful and when I wake up, I would see the painting and think how beautifull the day is and wake up.
If I could hang my painting somewhere, I would hang in my living room because I would let people see it in my living room. I think that it really interesting and the colors that there are.
If I were able to put my adopted work of art in my house, I would put it in my living room. The reason why I would put it on there is because the walls are white. It would match the paintings background. Another reason is my living room only has one picture on its walls. Also, I would want everyone to look up at the wall and see that I have a nice painting on it. I would put it up there because my mom is usually in the living room and she can always look at the painting whenever she wanted to. Other people in my house can, too.
If I could bring my artwork home, I would hang it in my bedroom. I want to put there because I figured that it would be a nice place for it and best for decoration. My walls are filled with posters and so I wanted to add a painting to my room. It is very pretty and it is a million dollars painting so I would hang it up where I would see it everyday. But I will build a camera to watch it for me.
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