You'll recall my 'adopt-a-work-of-art' piece that was created by our old friend, Andy Warhol, pictured above. Hopefully you will also remember that I showed you Ethel Scull 36 Times and played an audio clip about it, from Whitney's online collection the other day.
You know, I had never seen this Warhol painting before. I've been thinking about it alot.
I remembered being at Disneyland in California, when I was just a kid. My mother made my sister and I get into one of those booths with Disney hats and sunglasses on, and take all these silly pictures. I was so embarrassed.
I tried to imagine how Ethel must have felt, sitting there in that photo booth, way back in 1963. She was taking all these pictures in different poses, while Andy Warhol was directing her as to what to do. That must have been so weird for her. I just know it would have been that way for me.
By now, you should have taken a couple of peeks at your adopted Whitney selection. If you haven't, go and do that now. Click on it. Enlarge it. Spend a few minutes with it.
Take a close, lingering look at it. Get to know it better. I'll wait.
Okay. Now, do the following:
1) Describe what you saw in your image.
2) Tell us what types of feelings or thoughts you were getting from your work of art.
Add your responses here onto this blog. Start by stating the name of your piece and the artist who created it. Everyone must respond-- in full sentences, please.
the painting that i choose was pittsburg by Elsie Driggs
The work of art that i choose it loooks that the boy was in a bad mode.The name of the art work is Eli, Alex Katz made this painting.
My work of art is called Object with Red Discs. I saw a pole and red discs, it was a sculpture made by Alexander Calder. The reason why I chose this work of art was because I think it's different from the rest of them. It's 3-dimensional.
I felt that I can make or try to make this object. In a way, the object looks like an imitation of the Eiffel Tower. That's what I feel about my adopted work of art.
The other sculpture I thought that was interesting was the "Soft Toilet" made by Claes Oldenburg.
Click on this link to see my adopted work of art. I chose The Brooklyn Bridge: Variation on an Old Theme, 1939 by Joseph Stella because it reminds me of all of the things the city has to offer. As you drive over the bridge, you see all of the skyscrapers in front of you and it is very exciting. I also liked the colors in the painting and the modern feel of it.
here is my piece of art. If you want yours to show, you can click on your user name and edit your profile. If you go down to where it says Photo URL, you will have to copy and paste the address to a site where your picture is found. The easiest way to do this is to do a Google search for images, type in the name of your piece, click on See Full-Size Image and then copy and paste that address into where it says Photo URL. Then on the bottom, click on Save. You should be able to see your image next to your name when you post.
The art work I choose was 'HERE THERE EVERYWHERE'.The artist that did this was Lawence Weiner.This is kinda of interesting because if you listened to what it meant you would think wow he did this because he likes when his art work means something.
The Artist and his Mother by Arshile Gorky
I donot like this painting because it is boring and has dull colors.
there is alot of stuff in my painting like circles and stuff 1 thing i seen was like there was a checker board and the was round cirles like the chips so that wat i thought about if u see anything else comment back o yeah i hate it
The name of my adopted work of art is Number 27. My work of art was made by Jackson Pollock. When I saw this work of art, I thought it looked like sand at the beach. The color of it is sort if tan with black spots in it.
I selected a Georgia O'Keeffe painting named Music-Pink and Blue II. When I saw this painting it made me think of the beach and that I was about to go inside a colorful wave. I picked this painting because it made me feel as if I was in a peaceful world.
My work of art, Early Sunday Morning, is relaxing and sunny. It is also so quiet. It has a lot of patterns. I chose this work of art because I saw this painting before and I knew a lot about it.
The painting Skin/Deep by Alison Saar makes me feel like I have been made into copper and other hard objects. It is a very weird painting but it looks interesting. I would never do that even if I would by displayed and a lot of money.
Three Flags is a astounding creation of Jasper Johns. The coloring is very real. So is the texture and shading.
The name of my work of art is called Royal Tide. When I first saw it it looked like a shelf filled with antiques and old items. I was a little confused about it. If I was there I think that I would understand it better.
The title of my adopted work of art is Dempsey and Firpo the artist is George Bellows. It reminds me of one of those old movies that was made in black and white. This is because of the way the people are dressed and how the boxers are also look in the painting.
The Artist and his Mother by Arshile Gorky.
In the beginning when I first adopted this painting, I really hated it. But as I kept going, I learned the deeper meaning to this painting and actually liked it. I understood why The Artist and his Mother painting looks like this.
Women and Dog 1964, Marisol
When I chose this artwork I felt like it had no feeling in it. The people looked flat. I like this artwork because it is a family picture. In the artwork, some of the people have more than one facial expression.
The name of my adopted work of art is Brooklyn Bridge by Joseph Stella. I selected this piece because I like the colors he chose. When I first saw this work of art, it looked more like the inside of a library, but when I looked closer, I saw the skyscrapers. I really like how the artist painted this.
The adopted art I picked is Mike Kelly. The title is called More Love Than Can Ever Repaid and The Wages of Sin. I think he put a lot of details in the picture. It is very colorful. He balanced all the colors so it match together. He didn't leave out any white spaces.
Chinese Restaurant by Max Weber
Looking at this creation, it looks like cut pieces of paper from magazines. I saw eyes, curtains, faded images of faces, and different types of fabrics.
I felt a mysterious feeling when I saw this piece because the artist used dark colors, such as burgundy and brown. I chose Chinese Restaurant because it looked different than most of the other paintings. I also loved the fact that Weber put so many differnt types of patterns into one painting.
I had chosen the painting called Atlantic by Ellsworth Kelly. When I first saw this image, it just caught my attention because I had noticed that it was different than all the other paintings. It was only just two stripes of white on a black background
I chose the painting, Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney by Robert Henri. I like how he paints it by the use of colors. I saw a woman lying down on a couch. She looks relaxed by the way that she is lying down. I also thought it was interesting, because I like how he expresses her feelings in her work of art.
Double Isometric Self-Portrait by Jim Dine.
My adopted artwork is the Double Isometric Self-Portrait by Jim Dine. Peoples get confuse by calling this painting a self- portrait because the artist use objects to represent himself. I thought Dine was a very sleepy person when I saw two different colors bathrobes in his self-portrait painting.
American Farm by: Joe Jones
What I see is a farm on a mountaintop, with rivers and streams on the bottom. I also see a sunset. It makes me feel calm and peaceful like any other farm or hill does. I chose this piece because it is painted in so much detail, that it looks like a photograph. I am not a fan of cubism or abstract art but am a real fan of paintings.
The art work I chose is Here There Everywhere.This artist that did this was Lawerence Weiner.This is kind of interesting because if you listened to what it means,you would think wow,he did this because he like when his art work is in words.
Soft Toliet by Claes Oldenburg is my adopted work of art. It made me feel that if i sat on that toilet I would just fall. It looked very strange and thats why I picked it.
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