NYC Public School Class Takes an Extented Cyber-Trip to
This blog was arranged to display the most recent topic posed to students (Is This the End?) first. Therefore, all of the issues we discussed and wrote about are organized here in reverse-chronological order. If you wish to see/read where we began, click on the April icon on the left side of this page. There, you may review our initial theme, Adopt a Work of Art, where we began our trip to Whitneyland.
Compare & Contrast
your Adopted Work of Art with another work from the Learning@Whitney Gallery... Consider each piece's effect on you, the mood or meaning of each work, the media used, and the palette, patterns, possible influences, and the personal style of these two artists.
This photo, by Robert Mapplethorpe, is in Whitney's Collection. It's called Ken Moody and Robert Sherman, from 1984.
I compare my painting to Mike Kelly with Willem Dekooning. They both have different things mixed together in the painting. Mike Kelly use toys and dolls to put in his painting for a painting without using paint. Willem Dekooning use paint to draw the things. Then he use different kinds colorsto put around and splash it around the painting.
I compared Skin/deep withCharles Ray,Puzzle Bottle it is alike because the man is standing just like in skin/deep and it is also not a paintig it is a skpsher just like skin/deep which is copper and different matireals that was crushed and made the work of art
i am comparing the Art as idea as idea.The title means to suggest the art that might become an infinite reflection in to itself.The one that I choose was here thereeverywhere which means that he is trying to identify places or location.In the one i choose it has some feeling saying that he might want to travel or something and the other one looks like his imagnation about the war and stuff .
My sculpture, Object with Red disc is different from the other sculpture, The Soft Toilet. the Soft Toilet sculpture is much bigger than my work of art. Tell you the truth I like The Soft Toilet sculpture better because its more detailed than my work of art.
I compared my painting "Eli" to "Untitled" by Robert Goober. They are both different because Eli is a painting and Untitled is a sculptor. They are both made from different artist. They are both similar because they are a piece of art.
I’m comparing Soft Toilet to Dempsey and Firpo. Dempsey and Firpo looks kind of moody because you can’t see the character's face which makes it looks kind of stealthy. Soft Toilet makes me think that Toilet can also be art.
I am comparing Jasper John's "three flags" with Marcel Breuer's "Whitney Museum of American Art, New York". The painting of the Whitney museum is very realistic. But it lacks a patriotic feeling like in three flags.
The name of the two works of art that I am going to compare and contrast are George Bellows Dempsy and Firpo also Cy Twombly's art work is untitled.What is different about these two works of art is the color choice the artist made, Bellow uses lots of color in it and shadowing , but Twombly's work of art has basiclly two colors: blue and white.One of the most obvious diffrences is the type of canvas they used , Bellow used a regular canvas but Twombly used a chalk board for his canvas.
My art work is called Royal Tide. The artwork that looked similar to the one I picked is Satellite, by Robert Rauschenberg. It looked similar to Royal Tide because it looked very distorted and there were many items. It looked different because it was like a painting but Tide looked like an assemblage a 3d work of art.
I had compared my painting, Music-Pink and Blue II, with Andy Warhol's, Ethel Scull, 26 Times. The painting that I chose was done by Georgia O'Keeffe and the painting was more brightly colored. O'Keeffe had reasons for painting her artwork. She was describing her feeling for music. Warhol's painting makes me feel weird and I don't really like it, because he had used dark colors.
I am comparing the work of art I adopted which is Women and Dog, by Marisol and another work of art which is Arshile Gorky, The Artist and His Mother. This art work is an oil on canvas, 60 x 50 in.The work of art I adopted is made out of wood and it is the artist's face with different face expressions.
I'm comparing my painting, Brooklyn Bridge by Joseph Stella to Painting, Number 5 by Marsden Harley. The difference between these two is that Painting, Number 5 is abstract. The Brooklyn Bridge is more realistic. Both artists used similar colors, but the colors in Number 5 are a bit brighter. Joseph Stella used darker colors. Also, when I look at Harley's piece, I feel excitement, while Brooklyn Bridge has a sad feeling to it.
I compared my painting artwork by Mike Kelly With Williem Dekooning's artwork. They have different things mixed together in the paint. Mike Kelly used toys and dolls to put in his art. Willem Dekooning used paint to create his artwork. Then he used different kinds colors to put around and splash it around the painting.
I am comparing the painting, American Farm, to Roy Lichtenstein’s Girl in Window. The difference is that American Farm is more realistic than Girl in Window. Lichtenstein’s piece has been outlined and painted in. Don't get me wrong, it's a wonderful painting, but American farm is more realistic.
Also, this painting is really different from Girl in Window; it's in a different place. Farm is on a hilltop, Girl (obvious) is on a window, a different time. Jones’s piece is on a sunset, and Lichtenstein’s work is during the day. Different themes. American Farm is about a farm and was taken from an actual American farm setting, Girl in Window, was taken from a comic.
The painting I chose to compare and contrast with Chinese Restaurant was Number 5 by Marsden Harley. Both artworks are abstract because the artists used shapes. They also use patterns like checks, zigzags, and diamond shapes. Number 5 uses brighter colors than Chinese Restaurant, such as lime green and a bright shade of yellow-orange. Looking at Chinese Restaurant, you can make a few out, like faces, but you can’t make anything out while looking at Number 5. Both artists used oil paint. Looking at Chinese Restaurant, you get a mysterious feeling and Number 5 gives you a cheerful feeling.
My adopted work of art, Early Sunday Morning and Backyards by John Slone are different from one another because my adopted painting is empty, warm and quiet, and Backyards is in the winter, filled with children playing in the snow.
I compared my painting Number 27 to the painting by Georgia O'Keeffe,
Music-Pink and Blue II. Some things these two paintings have in common are they were both done on an oil canvas, and both of them have the color pink used in the paintings. Also, there are a lot of differences between them. Some of these are that two different artists made them.
Another thing was Music Pink and Blue is way more colorful than Number 27.
I compared my adopted artwork, Double Isometric Self-Portrait by Jim Dine, with Brooklyn Bridge by Joseph Stella. Both paintings are very different. The Brooklyn Bridge has very dark colors and is mostly blue. I can hear the sound in the city if I imagine myself in this painting. This painting is more realistic than the Self-Portrait. I like the colors in Brooklyn Bridge because the colors look nice with each other. Brooklyn Bridge is not as colorful as Self-Portrait, but I like it more than the portrait. Both artwork are paintings. Both artists paint very well as you can see in their creation.
I am comparing my adopted painting, Getrude Vanderbilt Whitney to another painting called America Farming painted by Joe Jones. These painting have something in common. Both painting look gloomy from the use of colors in the background. My adopted work of art also has a relaxed mood in it because in the painting the colors are not bright. But the painting I compared it to has people that are happy.
I Compared and Contrasted the Brooklyn Bridge and The Artist and His Mother. The Brooklyn Bridge painting has much more bright colors than The Artist and his Mother. The Brooklyn bridge painting is more interesting and shows happiness, where as The Artist and His Mother shows sadness. The Brooklyn Bridge reminds me of jazz music.
I am comparing my adopted work of art Atlantic by Ellsworth Kelly, to Music Pink and Blue, II by Georgia O' Keeffe. These paintings are different from each other. They both have different colors that represent something else. I chose to compare these two paintings because they have more differences than similarites.
My painting is very plain and Music Pink and Blue,II is colorful and full of life and I think that Music Pink and Blue, II is more interesting than my adopted work of art.
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