Hey, that was easy. Your art-adoption process at the Learning @ Whitney website went very well. Congratulations!
You'll recall my 'adopt-a-work-of-art' piece that was created by our old friend, Andy Warhol, pictured above. Hopefully you will also remember that I showed you Ethel Scull 36 Times and played an audio clip about it, from Whitney's online collection the other day.
You know, I had never seen this Warhol painting before. I've been thinking about it alot.
I remembered being at Disneyland in California, when I was just a kid. My mother made my sister and I get into one of those booths with Disney hats and sunglasses on, and take all these silly pictures. I was so embarrassed.
I tried to imagine how Ethel must have felt, sitting there in that photo booth, way back in 1963. She was taking all these pictures in different poses, while Andy Warhol was directing her as to what to do. That must have been so weird for her. I just know it would have been that way for me.
By now, you should have taken a couple of peeks at your adopted Whitney selection. If you haven't, go and do that now. Click on it. Enlarge it. Spend a few minutes with it.
Take a close, lingering look at it. Get to know it better. I'll wait.
Okay. Now, do the following:
1) Describe what you saw in your image.
2) Tell us what types of feelings or thoughts you were getting from your work of art.
Add your responses here onto this blog. Start by stating the name of your piece and the artist who created it. Everyone must respond-- in full sentences, please.